Virtual Fundraising

Everyday life has changed quite quickly due to COVID-19 and we’re all wondering what we can do to make life feel as normal as possible.

While life might have changed, the role of the hospital charity has not, we are still here to support and fund lifesaving equipment, research and items that enhance the stays of our patient, all of which is over and above what the NHS funds. But we can’t do this without your.

That’s why we’ve put together some ideas on different ways you can get involved and to give you the opportunity to do something different and raise money to support patients at our hospitals, while keeping yourself and everyone around you as safe as possible.

A Virtual Challenge is the perfect way to get your children involved in fundraising, whether that’s through a sponsored read, or sponsoring them to do chores around the house; you can have fun and help to raise money to support patients across our hospitals.

Here are some ideas of the different ways that you can get involved:

1. #challenge30: How many miles can you cycle, walk, run, skip each day in 30mins over 30 days trying to beat each day’s PB.
2. Wear teal for N&N Hospitals Charity, donating £5 to participate.
3. #twopointsixchallenge: Fundraising activity based on the numbers 26 as all the marathons are cancelled. Undertake a sponsored challenge for 26 days or 2.6 hours or for a total of 2.6 miles etc.
4. In Lieu of Gifts virtual birthday parties.
5. Club Night/Rave: Host a club night over your chosen teleconferencing app and charge people to participate. As they login they donate an entry fee.
6. Games Night: Participants pay donation fee to register as individuals or as teams to participate in bingo, board games etc. Games information including rules to be sent out prior to the event and participants must have their own version of the games at home to participate, i.e. their own scrabble or hungry hippos.
7. Virtual Zumbathon/Yogathon/Spinathon (or other group fitness challenges)
8. Video Games Challenge: Pay to play Nintendo Wii challenges/games against others
9. Social Media Silence: Challenge yourself not to use social media (especially and specifically on mobile) for a specified duration and collect sponsorship or every time that you do login, you pay £1 and the 20p per 10mins viewing.
10. Head shave/Hair dye: Create an at home salon and shave or dye your hair an expected outlandish colour

Any shopping on Amazon, use Amazon Smile and choose us as your charity 


1. Canteen Fundraiser: Collect and donate the amount you would have spent in the staff canteen.
2. Non-Uniform Staff/Team Meeting: Make a donation to participate over Zoom, instead of wearing at work attire, wear themed fancy dress
3. Auction / Raffle
4. #CharityTuesday: Make direct corporate donation
5. Team Building Virtual Away-Day: Staff members each host an aspect of the day in a different room of their house. Whatever the business would normally pay for an away-day is then donated.
6. From Home Networking Events: Hosting usual calendar of networking events with corporate members but virtually via zoom. Charging the same fee and donating that fee.
7. In Lieu of staff birthday gifts
8. Coffee Morning: Whilst working from home, donate the price of the coffee that you would normally buy on the commute in.
9. Network Challenge: Businesses pay to play sports day events. These can be clients and business networks to participate in Nintendo Wii type team and individual events. The entry fee is donated and the business network is strengthened (think golf days etc).
10. No More Gym Payments: Now that we have all learned to work out at home, donate the monthly membership fee.


CrombieVirtual Fundraising