Donations to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals Charity are helping to support young cancer patients treated at the N&N.
The team cares for teenagers and young adults aged 13 to 25 years, from before their diagnosis is confirmed, during treatment and beyond, working alongside clinical teams to support the patients’ psychological needs, act as an advocate and help them practically through the treatment pathway..
Thanks to donations, the N&N Hospitals charity has been able to fund the Free2be support group at the BigC centre, activities such as escape rooms and crazy golf, and mini projectors so patients can watch programmes via their telephones during treatment.
More recently, the hospital charity has purchased craft materials for the young patients to take part in a Christmas craft zoom group.
Holly Bawtree is the Teenage Cancer Trust Clinical Nurse Specialist, a role funded by the Teenage Cancer Trust, based at the N&N.
She said of her role: “We get around 20-30 new referrals each year and we aim to make sure patients understand their treatment and support them and their families in every way we can.
“We also create links with other hospitals, for example Addenbrooke’s, where the patient may also attend for treatment This helps improve communication and aims to make their treatment journey smoother.
“Support can go on once patient has completed treatment, there is often an increase in anxiety post treatment, as people have time to process all that they have been through and start looking forward.”
One patient said: “I absolutely loved the most recent craft night, it was even nicer because it was during lockdown. I’m looking forward to the other activities we can do when lockdown is over.”
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the teams have also accompanied their patients to appointments and treatment, when family members and friends have been unable to attend.
If you would like to support the hospital charity, please contact or visit