Families have been able to remain close to their babies despite the Covid-19 pandemic thanks to gifts from members of the public.
Visiting restrictions on the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit at the N&N were introduced in March as coronavirus cases spread throughout the country.
This meant the parents of some of our youngest patients were restricted to the amount of time they could spend on the unit with their baby.
However, the NICU team received gifts through the Amazon Wish List, including Polaroid films which have been used to capture the special moments when parents can’t be there.
Diaries have allowed staff to give parents an up-to-date account of their child’s time on NICU, while footprint and handprint kits have also been gifted to give parents an extra-special reminder when they can’t be on the unit.
Kate McColl, Family Care Sister on NICU said: ‘ We are incredibly grateful for the support people have given not just to our unit during Covid 19 but across the hospital. The Amazon Wish List is a lovely idea allowing people to buy items directly that will benefit our patients and families’
The Amazon Wish List is coordinated by the N&N Hospitals Charity and items are added when requested by the teams throughout the hospital.
Head of Fundraising, Louise Cook said: “We are always extremely grateful to the many people who choose gifts from our Amazon list for our amazing teams.
“We know lots of our supporters prefer to choose a gift rather than a donation and this is a great way to support our hospitals – just purchase the gift online and it comes straight to the team which has chosen the item.”
If you would like to purchase an item from our wish list, go to NNUH Amazon Wish List, don’t forget to use Amazon Smile when you make a purchase and choose our charity to benefit.
Items are updated all the time so if there’s nothing you want to purchase at the moment, please keep checking back.
For more information about the hospital charity, go to www.nnhospitalscharity.org.uk