We’re just days away from the start of the nation’s biggest tea break and the chance to raise money for the N&N Hospitals Charity.
The charity wants as many people and businesses as possible to get involved by hosting or taking part in the NHS Big Tea and thank the incredible people in our hospital who have done so much to help patients over the past hugely difficult 18 months.
Starting on Monday 5 July, which is the official day of the NHS Big Tea and anniversary of the NHS, the charity is urging a summer of tea parties, right through to Sunday 5 September.
Each event can be in person or virtual, with friends, family or at work, and is a chance to reflect and say thanks for everything that NHS staff and volunteers have done and continue to do, by taking part in the nation’s biggest tea break.
The charity already has hundreds of people taking part across the region and is encouraging as many as possible to take part, following the current Covid guidance.
People can host their own event or they can show their support by taking five minutes to enjoy a tea break, donating £5 via https://nnhospitalscharity.org.uk/ and tagging five friends on social media @NNHospCharity and calling on them to do the same.
Thousands are expected to host events and NHS Charities Together has produced a pack to help those events go with a swing, to take part and get your pack, please visit:
Click HERE to download your BIG TEA Fundraising Pack.
The N&N Hospitals Charity supports patients, their families and our staff at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which includes the N&N Hospital, Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital and Cromer Hospital. Every pound raised is invested to help provide life-saving and ground-breaking equipment, staff development, research, and enhanced environment and facilities at the Trust.
Picture: NNUH Medical Director Professor Erika Denton and Chief Nurse Professor Nancy Fontaine kicked off the charity’s Big Tea celebrations