Celebrating 250 years of caring for patients, the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) will be throwing open its doors this year on Saturday 11 June and inviting members of the public to come and see behind the scenes, meet the hospital teams and see some of the world class facilities on site.
The hospital “Foundation Day” starts at 11am and runs to 3pm and visitors will be able to try their hand at pathology with our laboratory staff, discover how our gut works, take a tour of our new interventional radiology and children’s theatres and walk through time with a wall of history of the last 250 years.

Senior nurses pictured in 1864
The day which open to all ages is a chance for people to find out more about the region’s busiest acute hospital and also help raise money for the Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity.
Car parking in the NNUH car park will be free during the event and other activities taking place during the day include:
• Meeting our cardiology team and see how we treat heart conditions
• Finding out more about working at the hospital
• Meeting our organ donation team
• Meet the “inflatable poo”! and hear about food and health research from the Quadram Institute
• Discover about managing diabetes
• Learn how to protect your skin in the sun
• Displays of old uniforms and historical objects
• Take part in some traditional fete games
• View wartime and vintage vehicles
• Say hello to therapy dogs
• Browse the wide variety of stalls
• Sample our cakes and enjoy a barbecue.
David White, chairman for the NNUH said: “There have been huge advances in technology since the inception of the Norfolk and Norwich, over the years our hospital has touched the lives of every local family and this year we want to celebrate both our achievements and our history.
“Caring for the sick remains our mission and as we celebrate the 250th anniversary we want to share this major milestone and the achievements we have provided down the generations with the Norfolk & Waveney community”.
The hospital was established in 1772 at a cost of £13,323, with a medical staff and matron, plus 20 beds ordered. In 2001, our hospital was rebuilt and opened at Colney Lane for a cost of £229m and now has over 1200 beds and 10,000 staff, treating over one million patients every year.
It became a teaching hospital, in partnership with the University of East Anglia, after moving to the new site along with an increased focus on research as part of the Norwich Research Park.
Louise Cook, head of fundraising for the N&N Hospitals Charity, said: “This event is only possible thanks to the generous support of our staff, volunteers and partners Serco and Octagon.”
For a detailed programme of events celebrating 250 years visit https://www.nnuh.nhs.uk/about-us/250th-anniversary-of-nn-hospital/events/ and if you would like to make a donation to the N&N Hospital Charity please visit www.nnhospitalscharity.org.uk