
Thank you and Season’s Greetings from N&N Hospitals Charity

We’re almost at the end of 2020 and most of us, we’re sure, will be glad to see the end of what has been a year like we’ve never known before.

However, we always enjoy reflecting on some of the highlights of the year which has been incredible for the N&N Hospitals Charity, despite the Covid19 pandemic faced by us all.

With the start of lockdown in March and the increasing pressures on our hospital we were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Norfolk community who made donations to our Covid Emergency Appeal, provided hot meals, equipped pop-up staff rooms, delivered flowers and plants, and drew pictures to cheer up staff.

Despite the Covid-19 restrictions, we have managed to pull out all the stops to make sure every one of our 1,200 patients at the N&N will wake up to a present on Christmas Day. Unlike previous years, we have been unable to accept gifts brought into the hospital, but thanks to your donations, we were able to purchase gifts and ensure they were quarantined, sanitised and wrapped all ready to be delivered by ward staff on Christmas morning.

We also missed our annual fetes but we did enjoy the switch-on of our 30 sparkling lights on the front of the N&N building and around the plaza thanks to the generosity of businesses that sponsored a snowflake, illuminating the skies for patients, staff and visitors.

SERCO, AA Waste, Brewers, Munro and Hicks have all contributed to make this spectacle possible this year and we hope businesses will continue to support us in the coming years.

NNUH CEO Sam Higginson sent his personal Christmas message to everyone who has supported the charity and the wonderful staff at the N&N.

In October, we held our first In Memory and Never Forgotten remembrance service in the NNUH Chapel – behind closed doors. Execs from the Trust were invited to attend the event and say a few words to honour those we have lost. It was such a lovely service and a lovely way to remember loved ones. The service is available to view online here.

The summer saw the turf-cutting marking the start of work on a state-of-the-art cancer care and support centre at Cromer and District Hospital. The North Norfolk Macmillan Centre is being funded and built in partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support, the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity and building work is expected to last a year.

We ended the year with a wonderful visit from the legendary pianist Rick Wakeman who visited the hospital and played a selection of festive music which boosted morale was a real treat for everyone.

Looking forward to 2021, we hope life can return to some kind of normality as soon as possible and we thank you all for your support during this past year and we hope you will continue to choose us as your charity of choice for years to come. Medical Director Erika Denton gave her own message of thanks to everyone who has made a difference to our wonderful teams at the N&N.

Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year from us all at N&N Hospitals Charity.

CrombieThank you and Season’s Greetings from N&N Hospitals Charity